Mind Discovery

A Neurological Approach to Learning

Discover “THE” Secret to unlocking an individual’s potential with the Building Blocks of Learning Model. This essential resource is designed for parents, educators and professionals seeking advancements in neuroscience and the mind discoveries of recent life-changing research.
Discover the complexities of physical, emotional, social, and learning obstacles that can impede a person's ability to learn and behave. Gain valuable insights into the reasons behind these challenges and empower yourself with knowledge.
With a focus on visual (EYES), auditory (EARS), and sensorimotor (BODY) systems, our program empowers students to identify when a student's underperformance may be rooted in a structurally delayed brain.

Discover “The Secret” in Remediating Learning Challenges
The secret to success is a neurological, multi-sensory approach!




Mind Discovery

1510 Ft. Worth Hwy. Suite 106 Weatherford, Tx. 76086
Phone: 888-699-MIND