Discover Primitive Reflexes

An Unbalanced Neurological System

Recent emerging studies demonstrate that Primitive reflexes are essential to the development of higher-level skills in humans. They are usually present at birth and decline during the early period of infancy, resulting in a variety of states of body and mind. Although invisible to the untrained eye, these reflexes form the basis for development of functions such as learning, thinking, planning, and movement. In other words, primitive reflexes provide the necessary foundation that is required for complex voluntary movements and advanced functions like cognition. Therefore, by understanding how primitive reflexes impact these behaviors, it is possible to identify causes behind deficits as well as facilitate development toward gains in competency.


During the first year of life, each involuntary primitive reflex response gives way to a more voluntary movement (postural reflex), located in the right hemisphere of the brain. This reflex integration is part of the maturing of the central nervous system (CNS).
Primitive reflexes are automatic movements directed from the brainstem and require no cortical involvement (thought). They are needed for survival and development in the womb and in the early months of life. From very early on in utero, primitive reflex movements literally help develop the brain. The movements lay down patterns of neural networks and assist in myelination (connection) of pathways that allow the connection of various areas of the brain. These connections are so important later on for learning, behavior, communication, relationships and emotional well-being.
These primitive reflexes surface in utero and in infancy and become inhibited as the movements do their job and become more practiced and controlled. When a baby has been given the opportunity to develop freely and naturally, the primitive reflexes will integrate and no longer be active. When the primitive reflexes remain active, then many difficulties can emerge.
If the Primitive Reflexes are retained past the first year of life, they can interfere with social, academic, and motor learning. Children with learning disorders, ADHD, autism spectrum, and various other neurodevelopmental disorders are known to have retained primitive reflexes contributing to their symptoms and level of dysfunction.
Retention of primitive reflexes can be caused by a variety of factors. The birth process is a key factor in the integration of these reflexes; therefore, a traumatic birth experience or birth by C-section may lead to retained reflexes. Additional causes can include: falls, traumas, lack of tummy time, delayed or skipped milestones, chronic ear infections, chronic illness or head trauma.
The importance of reaching developmental milestones should not be underestimated. Each child progresses at their own rate, but achieving these milestones on time is vital. Failing to do so can be an early sign of potential challenges. Each milestone plays a crucial role in a child's growth and establishes the groundwork for early brain development.
Primitive Reflexes are housed in our brain stem. When they are integrated they create the foundation of our nervous system. Integrated reflexes allow our brains to connect to our BODY, therefore we gain emotional control. Individuals with retained primitive reflexes are often in fight-or-flight, anxious, and emotionally reactive.
These are the most common symptoms we see in kids with retained reflexes. Any delay in milestones, can result in delays in development of motor skills, which drives integration of the senses and higher cognitive learning. If a student has trouble learning in school they often have an underdeveloped brain stem. The brain stem develops first through reflex integration, and lays the foundation for the prefrontal cortex, where we think, solve math problems, organize, and memorize.



Mind Discovery

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