Health & Nutritional Support

Eating for Brain Health

The Building Blocks of Nutrition

A key factor of optimal brain function is healthy nutrition. The basis for smooth brain function is created in childhood and continues throughout life. The way a child eats during school years, and into adulthood, may affect their behavior and cognitive skills.
Protein, fat and carbohydrates are the three macronutrients that make up a healthy way of eating. The best place to start is to pick good sources of protein, healthy fat and carbohydrates, from vegetables and fruit, and balance these correctly.


The best way of eating is to consume unprocessed foods, as close to the way they are found in nature. Encourage your child to eat more vegetables, meat, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats instead of processed food to “crowd out the junk.”
The more you can involve your child in the process of cooking and preparing food together, and make it fun, the more successful you will be at helping them develop a taste for real food. Sugar interferes with the health of the body and brain, is devoid of any nutrients and must be avoided in food and drinks. Excess sugar in the brain impairs both cognitive skills and self-control. It has an addictive nature for many people causing cravings for more when you consume even small amounts. Make sure any sugar your child eats is from delicious fruits.
Protein is the second largest matter in the brain, second only to water, so it is important to nourish your brain with protein rich foods. Amino acids, the building blocks of protein, act as neurotransmitters, making them a key nutritional factor for brain health. Make sure to eat good, animal sourced, protein foods such as eggs, cream, real butter, meat and fish.
Water helps your brain cells communicate with each other, clears out toxins and waste that impair brain function, and carries nutrients to your brain. This all falls apart if your fluid levels drop. Staying hydrated has been linked to faster decision making and improved performance on cognitive tests.
Our brain is made up of seventy (70) percent fat, and getting enough of the right kind of fat is very important for proper brain function. Omega 3-fatty acid is essential to the building blocks of our brain and important for memory and learning. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to change your cooking oil to extra virgin olive, coconut and/or avocado oil. AVOID seed, corn,and canola oils because they are usually from GMO foods and contain harmful additives and become toxic when heated. Another is to add avocados, olives, nut butters, nuts and seeds to your snacks and meals.

At a glance

1. PROTEIN: Protein helps neurons within the brain communicate with each other so it is very important to get enough protein throughout the day (healthy sources: lean meats, poultry, fish).2. FAT: Your brain is about 60 percent fat so healthy fats are essential in your diet (Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, avocados, olives and raw nuts). AVOID fried food and trans fats.3. CARBOHYDRATES: Eat a variety of complex carbohydrates, which are vegetables and fruits, and minimize simple carbs such as starchy vegetables (potatoes and legumes), grains, baked goods and processed food. AVOID Sugar.4. WATER: Your brain is 80 percent water so you need to drink plenty of water to continuously rehydrate it.5. CALORIES: All calories are NOT the same. Focus on the healthy ones that help balance your metabolism and there is no need to count.

Healthy Nutrition = Brain Health

At Mind Discovery our comprehensive program of building blocks is based on a philosophy of integration of all the senses simultaneously and nutrition plays a vital role in your success of the process.
A key factor of optimal brain function is healthy nutrition. The basis for smooth brain function is created in childhood and continues throughout life. The way a child eats during school years, and into adulthood, may affect their behavior and cognitive skills.
Good nutrition is essential for kids to reach their full potential. Eating a variety of healthy foods helps provide them with the building blocks they need for healthy brain and body development. When combined with physical, sensorimotor and academic skill training, good nutrition can be a huge facilitator of both physical and academic growth in children. Parents should strive to make healthy eating a top priority for their children and family.
We believe the only way to achieve lasting change is focusing on all of the senses. As many mental health and lifestyle programs have learned, simply focusing on one action is often not enough. In order for people to truly make a positive transformation in their lives, they must understand how all of their behaviors are intertwined - what we call “mind discovery.”

Parent's Role

Parents have the biggest influence on their child’s eating habits and can help instill good nutrition and healthy lifestyle choices into them. As a parent, you are in control of what your child is exposed to in terms of food, so it is important to set an example for them by making smart, nutritious decisions when it comes to your own meals. Eating together as a family also helps foster better eating habits in children as they tend to mimic their parents' behaviors around food.
The more you can involve your child in the process of cooking and preparing food together and make it fun, the more successful you will be at helping them develop a taste for real food. In addition to modeling healthy habits yourself, providing nutritional education for your kids is also essential. This can involve showing them how different foods supply the body with energy andnutrients that keep us feeling our best.
The healthy whole family approach is an important concept to consider when developing strategies for supporting students. It focuses on addressing the needs of the entire family, not just those of the student. This type of intervention recognizes that the parent or caregiver plays an important role in a student's academic success and well-being, as they are typically moreinvolved.

Why Nutrition is Important

From the moment children are born, providing them with proper nutrition is crucial for their growth and development. Countless researchers have been studying the link between childhood nutrition and overall health, and the results are staggering. Not only can adequate nutrition help children grow and develop properly, but it may also promote healthy eating habits for life and even provide protection against disease. The benefits of childhood nutrition cannot be overstated,and it is essential that parents and caregivers prioritize this aspect of their children's health. By giving children the nutrition they need, we are setting them up for a healthier future.
It is no secret that proper nutrition is essential for overall health, but studies have shown that it can impact many other aspects of health as well. Ensuring the best nutrition for kids may also affect growth and development, bone formation, immune health, cognitive function, dental health, disease prevention, and the prevention of nutritional deficiencies that can contribute to stunted growth, bone abnormalities and behavioral problems. Taking steps to promote good nutrition for kids can make a world of difference in their overall health and well-being.
Nutrition is about taking in the right amount of energy, vitamins and minerals needed for healthy functioning. Our bodies are designed to extract vital nutrients from food, not just energy intake. When we eat nutrient-rich foods, our bodies recognize and absorb these important components that help us stay healthy and perform well physically and mentally. The key is to make sure you are consuming a balanced mix of nutrients such as proteins, carbohydrates, fats and essential vitamins and minerals. Eating a variety of fresh foods helps to ensure that all the necessary nutrients are being consumed, providing optimal health.
Our approach focuses on developing positive eating habits in students by introducing them to healthy foods, as well as providing education about the importance of healthy eating. An understanding of how brain imbalances can create difficulties in sensory processing is essential. As a result, many children may find it challenging to consume foods with strong textures and/or flavors or smell. This behavior has been observed as common among our program group; however successful completion often yields improved dietary flexibility. It should also be noted that food sensitivities cannot be confused with allergies - an important nuance for parents to keep in mind when observing their child's eating behaviors.
Many children are sensitive to food elements such as gluten, refined sugar and dairy products. Consuming these foods can cause potentially disruptive behaviors in your child - from cloudy concentration to social disruption. Look for signs in your child that common dietary triggers may be the root of the trouble. The foods your child consumes can play a pivotal role in shaping their behavior - for better or worse.

Processed Foods

Eating a diet based on unprocessed or minimally processed foods might seem like a daunting task, but it's actually easier than you might think. The best way of eating is to consume unprocessed foods, as close to the way they are found in nature. Think of all your favorite vegetables, meats, nuts, seeds, fruits and some healthy fats. Encourage your child to eat more vegetables, meat, nuts, seeds, and healthy fats instead of processed food to “crowd out the junk.”
By focusing on those foods, you can rest assured that you are nourishing your body with real, whole foods that are packed with nutrients. Processed food has been altered from its natural state, often resulting in a decrease in healthy nutrients and an increase in unhealthy additives. As the processing of food increases, our bodies become less able to recognize it as real food. This can lead to poor health outcomes such as obesity, diabetes, fatigue, lack of concentration, inattentiveness, and difficulty learning. Eating more unprocessed foods helps ensure that you are getting the necessary nutrition your body needs and can help prevent many diet-related illnesses and behaviors. Eating unprocessed foods also means that you are eating fewer additives and toxins, which can cause long-term damage to your body. Making an effort to eat more whole, unprocessed ingredients is one of the best things you can do for your overall health. There is something truly satisfying about cooking with fresh, simple ingredients. Not only will you feel better physically, but you will also feel proud of yourself for taking control of your health and wellness. So next time you are in the grocery store or farmer's market, fill up your cart with all the colorful, natural foods that catch your eye. Your body will thank you.


When it comes to proper brain function, many people may overlook the important role that healthy fats play. It is true that about 60% of the solid weight of our brain is made up of fat, so before you cringe at the thought of fat in your diet, know that it is a necessary component for optimal cognitive function. In fact, both healthy cholesterol and fatty acids are vital for ourbodies and brains to function at their best. So next time you reach for that low-fat snack, remember that your brain may actually benefit from a healthy dose of good fat.
Omega 3-fatty acid is essential to the building blocks of our brain and important for memory and learning. One of the easiest ways to accomplish this is to change your cooking oil to extra virgin olive, coconut and/or avocado oil. Another is to add avocados, olives, nut butters, nuts and seeds to your snacks and meals which will help you feel full longer.
Fat has long been vilified as the root of all dietary evil, but the truth is we need it to survive. Without fat, our bodies would not be able to absorb crucial vitamins and minerals or maintain healthy skin and hair so it is essential to get the balance right. AVOID seed, corn, and canola oils because they are usually from GMO foods and contain harmful additives and become toxic when heated.
When it comes to healthy eating, not all fats are created equal. In fact, some fats are downright harmful to our bodies. If you are looking to keep your health in check, it is essential to steer clear of partially hydrogenated (trans fats) and hydrogenated oils. These fats are chemically modified to extend their shelf life, but our bodies are unable to break them down. This means that they can accumulate in our system, potentially leading to harmful health effects. Avoiding fast food, fried items, and processed baked foods will help you steer clear of their detrimental effects, according to scientific findings. Next time you are at the grocery store, remember to always check the label and avoid anything that says hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats at all costs. By adjusting the amounts and types of fats we eat, we can take a big step towards a healthier future.
Best Healthy Fat Options:● Avocado● Coconut● Olive● Butter● Ghee● MCT


Protein is brain-food at its finest! Protein is the second largest matter in the brain, second only to water, so it is important to nourish your brain with protein rich foods. Amino acids, the building blocks of protein, act as neurotransmitters making them a key nutritional factor for brain health. Make sure and eat good animal sourced protein foods such as eggs, cream, real butter, meat and fish.
Protein is crucial for maintaining our body tissue and is a significant component of our body weight, second only to water. It forms our muscles, organs, hair, nails, hormones, red blood cells, and even our brain. It's clear why protein is essential in our diet.
Protein plays a vital role in our daily activities, whether we are shopping, solving puzzles, cooking, studying, hiking, or simply relaxing in the sun with a book. It supports brain function, facilitates breathing, and defends our body against illnesses. To ensure a healthy and alert brain that continues to grow, a well-balanced intake of lean protein, good fats, complex carbohydrates, and sufficient water is necessary.
Discover the incredible impact of protein on your brain performance. Did you know that the proteins in your diet directly affect your brain? These proteins provide essential amino acids that make up neurotransmitters, the vital biochemical messengers responsible for transmitting signals between brain cells. By ensuring that these messengers are well-nourished, you can enhance your mind and memory like never before. But the benefits of protein don't stop there. It also plays a crucial role in your happiness. Without enough protein, your brain cannot produce neurotransmitters like serotonin, which plays a vital role in regulating moods. In fact, amino acid therapy found in quality sources of protein can even be more effective in treating depression than traditional medications. So, if you want to boost your energy, mental clarity, and overall happiness, make sure to include plenty of good protein in your diet. Think lean red meats, chicken and fish a tasty way to nourish your brain and enhance your well-being.
Empower your brain and elevate your mood by prioritizing protein in your diet. Say goodbye to brain fog and hello to a sharper mind and brighter outlook on life. Don't underestimate the power of protein – it's the key to unlocking your brain's full potential.


Carbohydrates, quite simply put, are the sugars, fibers, and starches found in our food. Whether consumed in abundance or moderation, their impact on our wellbeing cannot be understated. Healthy carbohydrates such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains provide our bodies with the necessary energy to function throughout the day. Conversely, unhealthy carbohydrates such as added sugars and refined grains often lack essential nutrients and contribute to weight gain and poor concentration.It is easy to overlook the amount of unhealthy carbohydrates we consume daily, but it's imperative to be mindful of what's on our plate if we strive to lead healthy lives. By adjusting our diets to include more wholesome, complex carbs, we can keep our bodies healthy and energized, enhancing our overall well-being both physically, mentally and emotionally..
Eating the right kind of carbohydrates is crucial for maintaining optimal health. The brain needs glucose to function properly, but not all carbohydrates are created equal. It's important to opt for healthy complex carbohydrates like those found in leafy greens and nuts over the simple carbohydrates found in sugars and starches. So instead of reaching for that sugary snack, try switching it up with some delicious leafy greens or nuts. Your brain and body will thank you for choosing smart carbs.


Water helps your brain cells communicate with each other, clears out toxins and waste that impair brain function, and carries nutrients to your brain. This all falls apart if your fluid levels drop. Staying hydrated has been linked to faster decision making and improved performance on cognitive tests.
Water is one of the most crucial resources that our bodies require on a daily basis. It not only keeps us hydrated, but it also plays a vital role in our cognitive functioning. Drinking plenty of water helps our brain cells communicate with each other, which is essential for carrying out our daily tasks. Additionally, it flushes out toxins and waste products that impair brain function and carries nutrients to our brains to maintain its health. A healthy brain and body are necessary if we want to perform at our best during exercise, running and learning. However, if we let our fluid levels drop, all these functions can break down and cause detrimental effects. It's imperative to stay hydrated, and drinking plenty of water ensures that our minds and bodies stay in peak condition.● Drinking water offers a variety of health benefits to the brain, from better concentrationand improved memory to stronger cognition and faster decision-making.● Staying hydrated can help with educational performance, focus, alertness, and fatigue.● Additionally, building mental resilience can be greatly aided by drinking water regularly.● This simple habit can lead to improved quality of life overall!● Dehydration can affect any part of the body, including the brain.● Even small amounts of dehydration can lead to cognitive impairment.● Mental sharpness and resilience decrease when not hydrated enough.● Possible symptoms of dehydration include memory loss, poor focus and attention, slow processing of information, irritability and headaches.● It is important to prioritize hydration in order to avoid negative impacts on both brain and body.


Sugar is a sneaky ingredient that can make its way into a wide variety of foods, from the obvious sweet treats to surprising sources like processed snacks and even baking ingredients. It's important to be aware of the many different names that sugar can go by, so that you can make informed choices about the foods you eat and take steps to avoid consuming too much. Reading food labels carefully is key, as many sugar aliases can be found under code words like high-fructose corn sweetener, dextrin, maltodextrin, and more. By staying vigilant and informed, you can make sure you're keeping your sugar intake in check and making the healthiest choices possible.

Sugar Syrups and Saps Artificial Sweeteners
Glucose Agave Nectar or Syrup Aspartame
Cornstarch Molasses (Equal, NutraSweet, Canderel)
Brown Sugar Coconut Nectar or Syrup Sucralose
Dextrose / Maltose / Sucrose / Fructose / Lactose Cane Syrup or Cane Juice (Splenda, Shukrana, SucraPlus, Nevella)
Corn Sugar Corn Syrup and High-Fructose Corn Syrup (HFC)
Sucanat Honey*
Grade B Maple Syrup*

Whole food and plant-based sweeteners, such as stevia, are considered healthier alternatives to added sugars due to their higher content of vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and fiber when compared to processed sugars. Scientific studies indicate that consuming these natural sweeteners in moderation may aid in reducing the risk of chronic diseases like diabetes and heart disease.

Toxins & Dyes

Over the past 50 years, the use of chemical dyes in foods has increased by a mind-boggling 500%. This alarming trend has raised questions about its potential impact and contribution to the rise in child behavioral problems, aggression, and ADHD. Red No. 40, the most widely used artificial food coloring by the FDA, has taken the brunt of the blame. According to lab studies, Red No. 40 can reduce reproductive success and lower brain weight in rats, decrease running wheel activity, and increase hyperactivity and indecision. Furthermore, this dye has been commonly linked to impulsive and aggressive behavior in children, including attention and focus, tantrums, hitting, kicking, and swearing. The sudden and violent change in personality observed in children consuming food containing Red No. 40 is concerning. However, when the dye was removed from their diet, behavioral problems disappeared.



Mind Discovery

1510 Ft. Worth Hwy. Suite 106 Weatherford, Tx. 76086
Phone: 888-699-MIND