The Assessment Process

Our program starts by conducting a comprehensive and thorough evaluation. This evaluation includes various sensory and cognitive assessments such as a written cognitive skills assessment, a complete cognitive-physical evaluation, and a screening for auditory processing and dyslexia. Additionally, we provide a full educational evaluation, a focus and attention assessment, and a visual processing screening. This multi-step evaluation allows us to gain a comprehensive understanding of the student’s abilities and needs.


This information provides a snapshot of the person’s learning abilities and to see their learning potential. So much information is revealed as to how information is processed, understood, remembered, evaluated, used to solve problems, and used creatively.
Find out what areas – such as comprehension, evaluation, problem-solving, or memory – may be causing difficulties, and see what areas are already strong. Not only does it identify areas of concern, it identifies areas of strength that the student or adult may not have known. Understanding areas of strength allows for a feeling of empowerment to face challenges inlearning or in life with an increased confidence!
Students within reasonable driving distance of the center will be offered Mind Discovery’s in-center assessment. Students interested in long distance learning will be offered Mind Discovery’s entire home remediation plan and assessment options. The assessment administrator will grade and evaluate your student’s assessment. An individualized post assessment analysis report and remediation plan will be created. A post-analysis meeting will be scheduled, via our website’s scheduling tool, to go over the results and our remediation recommendations.

Discovery Academy

Mind Discovery believes in developing cognition before content! We do this by developing underdeveloped skills in the brain necessary for learning. Our belief is to address the whole child in ways that are meaningful, invigorating, and deliberate. We ensure that the child develops lifelong skills essential for success in the classroom and beyond!
Discovery Academy’s purpose is to integrate and remediate a student within a single school year, and is recommended for anyone looking for an intensive educational remediation process. Significant cognitive change can be seen as early as six months. Our goal is to help students strengthen their brains and transition successfully back to full time academic programs and life as a child. Mind Discovery’s program crafts and oversees individualized, multisensory intervention programs with the intent of sensory integration and cognitive strengthening followed by academic remediation.
Parents and remediation coaches provide the necessary supervision to ensure that the student is participating in all activities at the recommended intensity. Students attend the center twice a week for four hours for academic remediation in conjunction with brain training. Direct instruction and extensive ongoing assessments are done by Educational Therapists and schoolwork is to be completed at home supervised by the parent, and is required part of our program and necessary for successful integration and remediation.
Students begin with a complete physical and cognitive evaluation, which provides extensive results guiding an intervention plan. Our Educational Therapists collaborate with your family to establish a remediation plan. Each student's program will be tailored to their specific needs and levels, but are all composed of visual, auditory, sensorimotor and cognition skills along withtheir academic objectives.



Mind Discovery

1510 Ft. Worth Hwy. Suite 106 Weatherford, Tx. 76086
Phone: 888-699-MIND