
Visualizing and Verbalizing

The Mind Discovery Method uses the most comprehensive strategies for teaching reading and writing. Visualizing helps to form a mental image in your mind, while verbalizing is written expression through words as a way to manage our memories and process information. Some researchers call them “mental” and “verbal” imagery, Mind Discovery calls them “Mind’s Eye Movies.” Inside our heads we often think with pictures and carry out all sorts of conversations which, with proper instruction and activation, will lead to more expressive written communication.
Each day, students are bombarded with the visual images of TV and video games, while reading is often seen as a passive activity. However, there is a technique called visualization that can turn students into active readers. By encouraging visualization, students can actively engage in the reading process, leading to improved comprehension.


The enhancement of concept imagery has a positive impact on various cognitive skills such as reading, listening, memory, vocabulary, critical thinking, and writing. Our program specifically focuses on the development of conceptual imagery to improve comprehension and elevate critical thinking abilities.
Teaching the skill to students identified as "at-risk" is essential. By discussing sensory experiences and connecting them to prior knowledge, we can provide concrete ideas. Students can then engage their senses and thoughts when reading, thus enhancing comprehension. Furthermore, highlighting the use of this technique helps students remember the story's content.
There are multiple steps to follow in order to teach students verbalizing and visualizing. Before a student can begin reading, they must,”get ready to read” by highlighting all titles and subtitles. Then draw a line after each paragraph where each line represents a "pause-for-reflection,” which is a point at which they stop and think about the words they have just read (and reread as necessary).
Direct modeling of the active thought processes involved in visualizing text is the next step. Begin with a familiar fiction read-aloud book. As you read a short passage, describe images you see in your mind. Before proceeding, ask students to create a mental picture (think about what they read) and highlight one complete sentence that helped them create their images. Have them select one sentence and draw an illustration or use a visual organizer to hone in on the ideas and images the author describes. After reading the entire passage using these strategies, students will write the main idea using a “7-Up Sentence.” This is a unique and effective strategy developed and employed exclusively by Mind Discovery. Students write sentences using seven to fourteen words to add more clarity, detail and variety to their writing while avoiding run-on sentences.
By using our visualization and verbalization techniques, students open the door for lifelong reading comprehension. Most of all, they develop the habit of actively thinking about what they read, which leads to greater retention and understanding.



Mind Discovery

1510 Ft. Worth Hwy. Suite 106 Weatherford, Tx. 76086
Phone: 888-699-MIND